OMS - Optimization of Mechanical Structures

Team of the chair

Mr Dr. - Ing. Florian Beyer

Research assistant



Beyer, F., Schneider, D., Schumacher, A. (2021): Finding three-dimensional layouts for crashworthiness load cases using the graph and heuristic based topology optimization, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (2021) 63:59-73,

Schumacher, A., Beyer, F. (2020): Untersuchung zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Graphen- und Heuristikbasierten Topologieoptimierung zur Entwicklung von 3D-Rahmenstrukturen in Crashlastfällen, FAT-Schriftenreihe 329, ISSN 2192-7863

Beyer, F., Schneider, D., Schumacher, A. (2019): "Development of heuristics dealing with material failure of composite profile structures for the Graph and Heuristic based Topology Optimization", Proceeding of the World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 20-24, 2019, Beijing, China

Consultation hours

by appointment

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